Shipment details and Privacy Information
We are able to accept payments by direct bank transfer to Robert Driessen. Details to be given on confirmation of order. We can also accept cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH) via our Wallet (Please contact us for further information).
We will always respond to e-mail enquiries within two working days. Please do not give credit card details on e-mail as we are unable to process them. Items on this site can be reserved by e-mail for up to one week.
We recognize the importance of customer privacy but it is necessary for us to have access to certain information to fulfill orders.
Customer information will not be disclosed to third parties other than when order details are processed as part of the order fulfillment.
Price of postage and packing is depending on size and weight of the sculptures.
All items will be shipped by express air mail and should arrive within 10-20 days (depending on sculpture type and size) after receipt of payment.
What our customers say
"Hello Robert. Thank you very much for your e mails and support. Today I picked up my sculpture at the post office. Many thanks, I have already found a great place to display it.
Best regards, Peter."
Peter D., Switzerland
"Thank you so much for these beautiful sculptures. They will make an amazing addition to our art collection in our new home."
Kevin S., USA
"I received my Small Walking Man today and all is in good order. I am delighted with it. Thanks so much for the fast and secure delivery"
John B., USA
"Wow, I have just received my Walking Man sculpture and I am very pleased with it.
Thank you Robert!"
Phillip H., Denmark